Long-lasting bread without crumb

With our crackers you can enjoy their quality, crunchiness and flavour for up to 8 months.


Mariñeiras® es una marca inspirada en el pan seco, sin miga, que utilizaban los marineros desde el siglo XV. Una solución antiquísima de los navegantes para conservar el pan en largas travesías oceánicas.

They arrived in America on different sea expeditions and were introduced into the regular diet of the population of many of those countries, which continues to this day. They are known by different names such as “salt and water balls”, “soda biscuits”, “salt and water biscuits”, “crackers”, etc.

Inspired by this concept of bread, we also registered other brands such as PAN MARINERO®, PAN DE BARCO ®, GALLETAS DE BARCO ®, etc., under which we market our bread toasts.


With these toasts we offer a long-lasting food product, whose neutral flavour and resistance to moisture absorption allow them not to soften over time, which makes them ideal for making canapés combined with sweet or savoury food.


Sweet or savoury canapés


They can be a substitute for fresh bread, toast, sandwich bread, sweet biscuits and pastries, which is why they are recommended to eat alone, to accompany your dishes and as a base for making appetizers.

Semi-artisanal production.

100% natural ingredients

Enjoy them alone or accompanied with other ingredients!

Alone, between meals, anytime and anywhere. As breakfasts and snacks: accompanied by jam or spreadable cheese. As an appetizer, for the preparation of sweet and savoury canapés. As a dessert, accompanied by quince, cottage cheese and cheeses.