The social economy in Daveiga

«One of the keys to success was to bet on the social economy, on a working society that allows all people to be involved in the project as working partners»

Our mission

Our mission is to contribute to the sustainable rural development of our immediate surroundings, through social economy, responsible production and innovation. We want to inspire others to do the same.

Our vision

We want to be a useful and profitable company for society. To be recognized for responsible production. To demonstrate that from the rural and social economy we can manage companies whose objectives are at the service of people, innovation, and sustainability. We want to offer different, healthy, tasty, safe and useful foods for society.

Our Values


Where individualism has no place, we offer values ​​focused on cooperation and strength of human relations.


Both at work, locally and with the environment of our rural environment.


Towards people and the environment. Our key to feeling comfortable and useful.


Fundamental to create trust with our collaborators and consumers.


We rely on professionals in the sector and together we investigate the creation of our products.


It allows us to create added value and stand out in the market.