Daveiga is a company of
Social Economy
All social economy companies have the following differentiating characteristics in common:
- They are companies focused on people and the environment.
- Their mission is to be useful to society.
- They have a clear redistributive vocation (salaries, local suppliers, reinvestment, social action, etc.)
- The workers are shareholders , they participate in the company's share.
- They are participatory companies; The workers participate actively in the organization of the activity
- Todo lo anterior es compatible con el ánimo de lucro de la empresa y de las personas socias.

Our Business Management Model

Social-Labor Responsibility
👉We are a Social Economy company, Daveiga is a Labor Company.
👉All working people have the right to become shareholders of the company and thus participate in the distribution of surpluses from economic activity.
👉We have voluntary salary improvements: Healthy dining service, health insurance, personal business days, variable remuneration, 50% bonus for acquiring company shares, etc.
👉Tenemos como objetivo atender al 100% la conciliación familiar y personal; jornada continua y teletrabajo ( desde el 2006), reducción de jornada, cambios de horarios, excedencias voluntarias, ausencias no retribuidas, etc.
👉Gestión transparente; todas las personas trabajadoras tienen derecho la información: económica, laboral, comercial, etc. y la participación en la toma de decisiones relacionadas con la organización del trabajo.
👉Self-management; Participatory work organization, self-managed and led by workers.

Economic Responsibility
Redistribution of added value:
👉Through salaries: labor-intensive project with decent working conditions.
👉Through purchases: damos preferencia a las materias primas procedentes o transformadas en el entorno más próximo (harinas, mantequilla, y aceites entre otros).
👉Through the reinvestment of surpluses (UTE Daveiga – new facilities).
👉A través de la participación en los beneficios de la empresa (61 personas socias).

Environmental Responsibility
👉“0” organic waste“, in the production process.
👉 Fomentamos el uso de coche compartido entre las personas trabajadoras.
👉Control de emisiones, eficiencia energética, consumo de agua, gestión de residuos no orgánicos, oportunidades de mejora continua, etc. Certificación ISO 14001 desde el año 2008.

👉Commitment to the Galician language being the first language in the company's communication and in the labeling of all our products. We are also introducing other co-official languages of the Spanish State in the labeling.
👉Fondo social dotado con el 2,5% de los excedentes de cada ejercicio económico, destinado a la actividades de formación, promoción y sensibilización relacionada con la economía social, el desarrollo rural, la cultura y el deporte.
👉Promotion of the social economy and rural development in educational centers.
👉Sponsorship and collaborations with Galician cinema : feature films, short films, and different film festivals linked to small towns or rural areas.
👉Patrocinio y colaboraciones con festivales de música en el rural.
👉Patrocinio y colaboración con pequeños certámenes literarios.
👉Sponsorship and collaboration in activities related to gender equality.
👉Sponsorship and collaboration in cultural and sports activities in rural areas.