Quality & Innovation

We are committed to quality and innovation, both in our model and in our products. This is why, throughout our journey, we have received numerous recognitions related to economic management, our business model, and the quality and innovation present in our products.

"It represents a recognition of Lugar Da Veiga's commitment to 'rural development,' which is one of the foundational pillars on which this business project, deeply rooted in the land, is built."
Xosé Lois Lamazares

Our Recognitions
- Rankin Europe's Fastest Growing Companies (2021, 2019, 2018)
- SME of the Year 2020 (Province of Lugo) organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Spain and Banco Santander.
- Plimsoll Certificate of Business Excellence 2020 & 2021. Segunda empresa nacional con mayores márgenes de beneficio en el sector de los panes especiales de larga duración.
- Ardán-Gacela Indicator (2021, 2017). Companies with a high and consistent growth rate in their revenue, above 25%, over a period of 3 years.
- Ardán-High Performance Indicator (2021). Company that achieves an average economic profitability of at least 25% over a minimum period of 3 years.
- Ardán-Wealth Generator Indicator (2021). Companies that show a positive EVA (Economic Value Added) during the analysis period.
- Ardán-Well-Managed Company Indicator (2021). Well-managed companies meet several criteria simultaneously: growth, profitability, productivity, and liquidity.
- Ardán Business Excellence 2021. Recognition of the 12 Galician companies that have achieved six, five, or four Ardán indicators.
- Ardán-Global Company Indicator (2017). Companies that show high values in terms of internationalization, export volume, etc.
- Product of the Year Award. 2016 edition of the Cantábrico Excelente Awards.
- El Financial Times incluye a Daveiga en su ranking de 2018, 2019 y 2020 entre las 1.000 empresas europeas con más potencial de crecimiento y creación de valor añadido.
- Taste of the Year 2010. A tasting panel of 120 consumers awarded the highest score in the category of cookies, crackers, and similar products.
- Superior Taste Award 2009. Recognized by the International Taste & Quality Institute through an international tasting panel made up of chefs from 12 countries.
- Fulget Award from the USC, recognition of a Galician company or business group that collaborates in actions aimed at improving the relationship between the academic activity of the Faculty.
- Líder en Calidade (2012) Premio organizado por Expoourense e Galicia Calidade en colaboración con AENOR.
- Premio Excelencia Empresarial en Responsabilidad Social. IV Concurso Transfronterizo Galicia- Norte de Portugal. (2008) Fundación CEO de Ourense
